11 Ways To Lose Weight Without Going On A Diet

Let's face it: it's not easy to stick to a conventional diet plan for weight loss. Most diet plans won't help you achieve your weight-loss goal because they are boring, too restrictive, or don’t help you to keep the weight off in the long term. If you have tried to lose weight by dieting without any luck, don't lose hope just yet. There are steps you can take to shed some extra pounds without any unnecessary restrictions. Here is how to lose weight without dieting:

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1. Eat slower

If you are concerned about overeating, then try slowing down. Setting a timer is a great way to stretch your meal times, forcing you to eat slowly to accommodate the given time. Try chewing each mouthful of food 15-30 times, making it similar to an applesauce consistency before swallowing, as this will not only help with your digestion but also give your body the time to recognize that it is full.

2. Sleep more

According to research¹, sleep helps with the weight-loss process. Having just one extra hour of sleep every night has been shown to lead to a 14-pound weight loss over a year due to a 6% decrease in calorie intake. This is due to sleep deprivation having an effect on your hunger regulating hormones, increasing your appetite and the likelihood of over-consuming.

3. Eat more vegetables

Vegetables are your friend when you want to shed a few pounds. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and low in calories. Make sure you eat a variety of vegetables to consume a greater range of nutrients. Vegetables are rich in fiber, nutrients, and water, yet low in calories, making you feel fuller without consuming excess calories. When preparing your vegetables, avoid using added fat sources like high-fat dressings, buttery sauces, or cooking oils.

4. Make soup

Soup is an excellent choice as a main meal or an appetizer. Having a broth-based soup at the beginning of your meal is a great option to help you feel fuller. Broth-based soups like minestrone, chicken, and corn, or wonton are excellent choices. Make your soup by adding vegetables and your favorite protein and allow it to simmer until the vegetables become tender and the protein is fully cooked.

5. Opt for whole grains

Eating a diet rich in whole grains is an excellent weight-loss strategy, due to their high fiber and nutrient content. Great whole grain options include barley, brown rice, buckwheat, and oats. 

6. Reduce sugary drinks

There is an association between higher body fat and the regular consumption of added sugar. Soft drinks, cordial, and alcohol all contain high levels of added sugar. Opt for healthier alternatives such as sparkling water, soda water, kombucha, or diet versions.

7. Reduce stress

Stressful situations can increase your cortisol ‘stress hormone’ levels. Due to increased cortisol levels, this may result in an increased appetite, increasing the likelihood of over-eating.  Additionally, emotional eating² can also be caused by stress and make it harder to lose weight.

Some ways of reducing stress include:

8. Get active

Being active can help you with weight loss without dieting. Physical activity burns energy and offers many additional health benefits. Medical professionals recommend engaging in 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per week, this translates to approximately 30 minutes a day five days a week.

If you are meeting the recommended cardiovascular exercise level but are still not losing weight, then you could try increasing the intensity by progressing from walking to power walking, for example, or from jogging to running or cycling. Below are some of our favorite exercises that can help you to lose weight.


Walking is a simple way to help you lose weight without feeling overwhelmed. Walking instead of jogging will also put less stress on your joints. Aim for 30 minutes of walking on most days of the week. As you become fitter, you can increase the duration of your walks.


Jogging is a great exercise for weight loss, due to it expending lots of energy. Aim for 20-30 minutes of jogging 3-4 times a week, as it is important to incorporate some rest days to allow your muscles to recover.


Cycling is another great exercise that puts little strain on your joints but burns lots of energy. If you don’t have access to a bike for outdoors, try heading to the gym to use their static bikes.

Weight training

Weight training is essential for muscle maintenance and growth, which increases your resting metabolic rate. Unlike cardio-based exercises, research³ shows that your body continues to burn calories hours after your weight training workout.

9. Use a smaller plate

A typical dinner plate may be larger than the portion size that you really need. Try using a smaller plate to serve yourself smaller portions, as this can help to trick your mind into eating less, but still with a filled plate.

10. Stay hydrated

Drinking water can help with the weight loss process, particularly when consumed before eating meals. Research⁴ shows that drinking 500ml of water 30 minutes before eating reduces your calorie intake at your next meal. This is due to the fact that thirst often masquerades as hunger, which reduces the likelihood of over-eating.

11. Eat more protein

Adding a  protein source to your meals will assist in keeping you feeling fuller for longer, decreasing the likelihood of over-eating throughout the day. Opt for high-quality protein sources such as lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy, and legumes. 

The lowdown

Losing weight is all about making small, sustainable lifestyle changes. Try eating slower, use a smaller plate, stay hydrated, and include plenty of protein in your diet.

You should, however, not try everything all at once. Try to implement one new habit at a time as this will enable you to determine which work best for you.

Making a few changes will help you to go a long way in achieving your weight loss goals.

Have you considered clinical trials for Weight management?

We make it easy for you to participate in a clinical trial for Weight management, and get access to the latest treatments not yet widely available - and be a part of finding a cure.

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