6 Proven Ways To Lose Weight Fast For Men

As male and female physiology is unique, some weight-loss methods work better for men. We’re going to look at scientifically proven strategies for men to lose weight fast and effectively, including diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes.

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1. High-protein diets

Protein makes up 25-30% of your daily calorie intake with a high-protein diet. These diets control appetite and increase meal-time fullness (satiety).¹ This leads to weight loss, decreased daily calorie intake, and improvements in body composition. Each meal should contain about 30g of high-quality protein to reap the diet’s benefits.

High-protein diets are great for rapid, sustained weight loss.² Protein has a higher thermogenic effect than carbohydrates and fats, requiring more calories to digest, meaning the net caloric value of proteins is lower.

One of the risks of strict, calorie-controlled diets is muscle loss, but high-protein diets preserve muscle. The more lean muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate (i.e., the more calories you burn at rest), leading to sustained weight loss.³

2. The Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is high in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, fish, and olive oil. Many studies have shown the Mediterranean diet aids weight loss, prevents weight gain, and improves the cardio-metabolic profile.⁴ The weight loss effects of the Mediterranean diet are even more pronounced when combined with physical activity and followed for over six months.⁵

One of the major benefits of the Mediterranean diet is its long-term sustainability, as it’s more of a way of eating than a diet. A 12-year study showed decreased rates of obesity in people who followed the principles of a Mediterranean diet.⁶

3. Low-carb diets

Low-carb diets encompass various eating plans, from no-carb (such as keto) to moderately low-carb diets. Many people find them easy to adhere to, and you can achieve fast weight loss with low-carb diets, making them a popular choice. Although a lot of the initial weight loss of keto diets is water weight loss,⁷ many people find it encourages them to stick to the diet.

Low-carb diets may decrease visceral fat, which is fat in your abdominal cavity and around your abdominal organs. A study demonstrated that a low-carb diet preserves muscle mass in obese individuals and increases their insulin sensitivity.⁸

4. Choose the right exercise

Traditional exercise programs for fat loss have focused on steady-state exercises, such as walking and moderate-intensity jogging. Unfortunately, these lead to negligible weight loss.⁹ Over the past decade, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has become popular, with increasing evidence that it can help with weight loss.

HIIT can reduce subcutaneous (under the skin) and visceral fat more significantly than moderate steady-state exercise.¹⁰ Male body composition typically favors fat gain around the abdomen, making HIIT training a great strategy. A small study assigned middle-aged men with type 2 diabetes to either an eight-week HIIT training program or a control group. The HIIT training group lost 44% abdominal fat compared to the control group.¹¹

Per decade, inactive adults can lose up to 8% muscle mass, leading to fat gain. Lean muscle contributes significantly to your resting metabolic rate. So, as your lean mass drops, your resting metabolic rate drops, and your body fat rises. Resistance/strength training can reverse these effects by increasing muscle mass.¹²

5. Get enough sleep

Focusing on good quality sleep is a simple way to promote weight loss. Disrupted sleep leads to weight gain and metabolic disturbances, such as increased insulin sensitivity.¹³

Poor sleep can derail your weight loss efforts. One study placed participants on calorie-controlled diets, randomly allocating them into one of two groups, selected to sleep either 5.5 hours or 8.5 hours per night. The results were interesting: both groups lost weight, but the weight loss composition was different. The sleep-restricted group lost mostly muscle mass, while the other group lost predominantly fat.¹⁴

6. Stay hydrated

Keeping well-hydrated has multiple weight loss benefits. Drinking 500ml of water before each meal increases feelings of fullness and leads to weight loss.¹⁵

Animal studies have shown that adequate water intake promotes lipolysis (fat breakdown), resulting in fat loss. Further studies need to verify this effect in humans, but it will likely be similar.¹⁶

The lowdown

Men’s physiology is different from women’s, so tailored weight-loss strategies make sense.

Men respond well to high-protein diets, Mediterranean diets, and low-carb diets. These are effective for long-term, sustainable weight loss.

High-Intensity Interval Training targets abdominal fat loss, which is beneficial for men. Strength training increases muscle mass, which also aids long-term weight loss.

Other easy-to-implement lifestyle changes include getting quality sleep every night and drinking enough water.

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