90% of Australians say that sight is their most valued sense. We’re looking out for you. Find an eye disorder clinical trial today.
More than 450,000 people in Australia are living with vision impairment or blindness. 300,000 Australians have glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of legal blindness and severe vision impairment in Australian’s over 40.
Both glaucoma and dry macular degeneration are slowly-progressing eye diseases, and considerable vision may be lost before there is awareness of a problem. Wet macular degeneration worsens rapidly. Treatment options can slow the progression of eye disorders, but currently, there is no cure.
Looking for how to help someone with an eye disorder? At HealthMatch, we’re bringing forward tomorrow’s treatments. We have more than 20 trials available for eye disorders, including those immunomodulators, VEGF inhibitors and new implants.
“Put it this way – my world has shrunk. My freedom is limited. Normal living is gone. I have to rely on other people for so much.” Susan*, 91
Australians are expected to be blind or have vision loss by 2020 ¹
of all cases of blindness are due to Macular degeneration ²
is the rate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities suffer vision impairment and blindness compared to other Australians ³
Macular Disease Foundation Australia (MDFA) has been the voice of the macular disease community since it was established in 2001. They provide information, guidance and support on prevention, early detection, treatment and living well with macular disease.
MDFA also works to raise awareness and educate community and health professionals. They fund research into reducing the impact of macular disease.
MDFA Support Services
MDFA has numerous services and resources in place. These include a national helpline; publications available in multiple forms (hard copy, CD and online), and multiple languages; their Eating for Eye Health Cookbook; newsletters and educational seminars.
Vision Australia helps people adjusting to living with vision loss through a range of practical services, including matching people with a Seeing Eye Dog; helping cook, clean and garden; helping children and parents gain access to speech pathologists, psychologists, specialist teachers, and more.
Glaucoma Australia partners with MedAdvisor, a free app. The app connects you to your local pharmacy, allowing you to pre-order medications. It also helps you keep track of scripts and receive reminders to take your medications.
Eye disorders are conditions affecting any part of the eye, which leads to significant vision impairment or loss. Around 80% of vision loss is caused by five conditions: age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, refractive error.
Eye disorders may not result in noticeable visual symptoms. Many people affected by an eye disorder may not be aware of any vision loss until the disorder begins to progress.
Glaucoma generally has no symptoms or warning signs, and cannot be self-detected. Early symptoms of macular degeneration include difficulty reading; straight lines being distorted; difficulty distinguishing faces, and there may be dark spots in central vision.
90% of vision loss is preventable or treatable if detected early. There is no treatment for early and intermediate stages of macular degeneration, but positive changes to lifestyle and diet may help slow its progression - including zinc and antioxidant vitamins. Anti-VEGF inhibitors are used to treat wet age-related macular degeneration. Laser photocoagulation may be used on rare occasions.
There is currently no cure for eye disorders, but the risk can be reduced by caring for your eyes, leading a healthy lifestyle and getting regular eye tests.
A clinical trial is a scientific study involving patient or non-patient (healthy) human volunteers. They help determine whether medicines are safe and effective to introduce as new treatments for a particular disease or condition.
HealthMatch matches you to clinical trials, in an easy-to-understand process.
After completing a medical questionnaire, our platform searches for and filters eligible trials for you. You’re able to view matches and apply for trials, on your trial dashboard.
We’ll put you in direct contact with the trial group once you’ve been accepted. We won’t stop searching until we’ve found you the right match.
1 Vision Australia, Eye health in Australia
2 Macular Disease Foundation Australia, About Macular Degeneration
3 Australian Government Department of Health, Eye Health
*Names have been changed to protect identity
Updated July 2020